Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Hypo Venture Capital Zurich Headlines: Obama Is Against Technology Breakthroughs In India & China

Obama Is Against Technology, BRreakingthroughs In India and China
US President Obama, at Allison Transmission Headquarters in Indiana, said that he doesn’t want next technological breakthroughs happening in rapidly developing countries like India & China. He said that America should retain its lead in the global race for clean teach innovation and green energy. Obama spoke to the employees of Allison Transmission and said that environment friendly energy production and consumption are the way to future. Talking about the job creation potential in clean energy related developments, Obama said that USA is in direct competition with countries like Japan, China & Germany and maintaining lead in technology is going to spur many new jobs for Americans.
Obama On Clean Technology Breakthrough India ChinaObama further said that he wanted all green & clean energy jobs to be made in Indiana, with American workers and with American knowledge. Talking about the economy, Obama commented that US will always have plenty of jobs in the services sector because US economy is a matured economy; however, America’ economy is always going to rely on their ability of outstanding manufacturing – where America produces stuff in America and not just buy it overseas and sell it elsewhere in the world.
Obama has set a target of reducing the oil imports to a third by the middle of the next decade and his administration is working on transition to newer technologies. “This is going to make a great difference in the long term”, he said.
My opinion: Clean energy is a global requirement and India or China coming up with a breakthrough in clean energy doesn’t make only these countries ‘greener’. A technological breakthrough may occur anywhere in the world and at least for the clean energy, we need to think like ‘Global Citizens’. It’s not a race between countries; rather a race for our own existence against ourselves. Your take?

1 comment:

  1. This is going to make a great difference in the long term..,,,,
