Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Hypo Venture Capital Zurich Headlines: Latest smartphone market share numbers: Apple is flat, Google going strong

Mobile analytics firm comScore released its latest quarterly numbers for smartphones, and there are some telling changes in the mobile space. Apple’s iOS market share numbers have remained largely unchanged, with only 0.5 percent growth in the quarter ending March 2011.
Google’s Android continues to grab market share with a 6 percent growth over the same period. Google’s growth corresponds closely with the drop in share by RIM, a significant 4.5 percent. The big drop by RIM has Apple’s iOS getting close to overtake the BlackBerry. Android keeps growing while other platforms are remaining relatively flat or declining in market share.
On the OEM front, the new statistics show the only handset maker in the top five to show growth in share is Apple, likely due to the release of the iPhone 4 with Verizon. Even with this significant event, Apple’s market share grew only 1.1 percent. Apple was the leader in growth, however, with other firms remaining flat or showing slight declines. The top five OEMs in market share were Samsung, LG, Motorola, RIM and Apple. The top three are OEMs using Android, indicating it is still the platform garnering the most sales to consumers 13+ as surveyed.

1 comment:

  1. Google’s Android continues to grab market share with a 6 percent growth over the same period. Google’s growth corresponds closely with the drop in share by RIM, a significant 4.5 percent. The big drop by RIM has Apple’s iOS getting close to overtake the BlackBerry. Android keeps growing while other platforms are remaining relatively flat or declining in market share.
